Saturday, July 08, 2006



July 6th 2006


State officials have been working hard to come up with solutions to the recent exposure of corrupt practices within state agencies concerning parents and children.

Tom Emberton Jr, recently announcing the creation of the blue ribbon insider panel has informed a KP newswire source that he and Undersecretary Eugene Foster have heard from the Panel just days after it was created with what they are calling the "ultimate solution".

Christy Riley, who is a veteran case worker assigned to the panel delivered the ultimate solution plan to Emberton and Foster yesterday in what they called a remarkably productive meeting that instantly produced the plan.

Foster declared it to be one of the most exceptional ideas he had ever heard of and instantly knew it was, indeed, an "ultimate solution." Emberton agreed. Upon review it has proved to be comprehensive, yet simple in its design and approach. We think we can have this up and running in and under 60 days, in time for the new school year starting.

We will basically interface into the school system, whereas, all parents will be required to sign up for a monthly home visit from a school social counselor, they will discuss their Childs progress in school, review the home environment, and be able to spot any tell tale signs of abuse.

Foster also declared the plan brilliant and that "he wished he had thought of it" Emberton also stated that with the US we will be able to better ascertain which children could be being abused and provide rapid intervention services for any child in crisis. Parents could consider it like having an assistant nanny drop by once a month. Families who are disadvantaged in lower income brackets could request the services to be scheduled weekly if needed. This will be in the best interest of children.

Now that we have begun to equip field workers with high tech "tool kits", we can combine that into the US plan and all of Kentucky's children can be assured of a safe and secure upbringing, and the cabinet will be better able to more effectively intervene whenever it is needed.

Protective services staff across the state are scheduled to begin receiving instructions on how to phase in the ultimate solution. To ensure better customer service, we are strengthening our staff resources and increasing our responsiveness to staff,” he said. “We are realigning our central offices, enhancing regional training opportunities and simplifying the family assessment and documentation processes for protective services workers and the ultimate solution will provide all of that. This is a New Working Organization - for the children.


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