Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Supreme Court Continues to Turn a Blind Eye

Ky Supreme Court Continues to Deny Father Access to the Court


May 30th , 2007

Frankfort, KY - For over 120 days, a Central Ky Father Claims the Supreme Court has denied him and his 7 year old son access to the court as prescribed in the Commonwealth's Bill of Rights, and setting a terrible example for the public trust and Integrity in the Judicial Branch of our Commonwealth.

The Petition stated that a Family Court Judge abused her power and entered an order depriving Jacob and his Father of each other, and that there was no credible reason for it; she just did it. Wes Collins, Jacobs father, stated that this greatly harmed his son emotionally. To further compound the injustice against the child and his father, the court of appeals grossly neglected its duties to reverse the situation, completely turning a blind eye to the plain facts that "there was no justifiable reason for it."

They just turned a blind eye, and forced me to have to seek access in the supreme court, and now that court seems to be unconcerned that a child is being wrongfully restrained, emotionally saddened, and unjustly held away from his father. The big factor is that the order entered by the family court depriving them of their Parent-Child right is now over 3 years old. Father and son have only been able to speak to each other by phone since that time. " Jacob is really growing impatient with the waiting, and he expresses this to me when we talk on the phone" said Wes.

Section 14 of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Kentucky states that " all courts shall be open, and every person for and injury done him in his lands, goods, person or reputation, shall have remedy by due course of law, and right and justice administered without sale, denial or delay". "Clearly" says Wes, "there has been an excessive amount of delay and denial thus far."

To think that the court would actually prolong an injustice such as this is irreprehensible, and requires all Kentuckians to take a long hard look at the inner workings and practices occurring in our alleged Courts of Justice, especially family courts.


for additional information contact Wes Collins, at 859 527 0332 or


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