Monday, August 27, 2007

Kentucky Summit On Children Lacking




Right out of the gate, the Kentucky Summit on Children, is more of the same old smoke and mirrors from industry insiders and proprietary associations that pose as a constitutional judicial branch of government. No matter how much they try to dress it up with bells and whistles, it still doesn't hide the fact that the process is one where parents are exploited, extorted, and rendered into profit for those in the positions. Constitutional Rights and Liberty Interests are routinely violated. Apparently Governor Fletcher believes that every single parent before the court is a pressumed drug addict. How do you think the prescription drug problem got to be a problem? Maybe because black market drug profiteers are well connected in and around state government.

This summit gives no mention of Divorcing parents and their children. It tries to focus on a parent absent propaganda phrase called "Juvenile Justice". The Family Courts of Kentucky are fraudulent and corrupt operations. Along with their corrupt counterparts and co conspirators in human trafficking, The Cabinet for Health and Family Services. They Lie, falsify records, and are a blight upon the state government.

They repeat the same old misteps of trying to throw more money into a failing policy and agency and expand with larger staff increases as the same old Wrong Answer again and again.
Specialty courts, the wave and craze of Chief Justice Joseph Lambert, are the slick sugar coatings to sell you a sack of dung. How about just a good old fashioned Judicial Court of Constitutional Due Process of Law. Not this Organized Crime acting as a legitimate Government function Caeser Joseph? Please Resign and save the tax payers the burden of an Impeachment Process.

The following is reprinted from the Commonwealth Propaganda Center.

Governor addresses first Kentucky Summit on Children

At the first Kentucky Summit on Children, Governor Ernie Fletcher today described shifting the focus of Kentucky’s child welfare system to emphasize prevention, in the same way the administration has transformed Kentucky Medicaid.
“Much as we have done in health care, we must change our focus from an illness model to a wellness model, focusing on what is wrong with the family as well as what is working and can be built upon to help keep families together,” Governor Fletcher told the audience of those involved with the child welfare system, including judges, attorneys, legislators, child welfare officials, court system personnel and foster parents and children. The Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) led the summit, which was held in Louisville.
The key in that transformation has been data analysis to learn which programs work. Based on that data, the administration has allocated money to programs that have a proven track record, Governor Fletcher said.
An example is the Jefferson County Drug Court program, which faced closure due to a lack of funding. But data showed improved outcomes for families involved in the program, so the Governor found funds to support it, and the Department for Community Based Services (DCBS) continues to work with AOC to implement additional drug courts across the state.
Governor Fletcher discussed other child welfare initiatives, including:
Through its START – Sobriety, Treatment and Recovery Team – program, DCBS is replicating a successful program from Cleveland that combines a social service worker and a family mentor who is a recovering addict with experience with the child welfare system. START provides intensive services and contact with families to focus on the chemical dependency of the parent and the safety of the child.
Collaborating with the Kentucky Youth Development Coordinating Council, DCBS is working with local communities to implement after-school programs for middle and high schools students who are at risk of alcohol and substance abuse, out-of-home care, school delinquency and teen parenthood.
The Race, Community and Child Welfare project targets 11 counties in which -American children are disproportionately represented in state foster care. The project takes positive steps to educate staff and communities about the problem and how to address it.
In the coming weeks, Medicaid will expand substance abuse treatment services to include a pilot program for mothers who were not previously covered unless they were pregnant or post-partum.
The Blue Ribbon Panel on Adoption, led by Cabinet for Health and Family Services Secretary Mark D. Birdwhistell, plans to recommend legislation that would be designed to better inform and support parents involved with the child welfare system.
“Transforming health care in Kentucky has not been an overnight process, and neither is a complete shift in thinking in our child welfare system,” Governor Fletcher said. “However, by putting money into successful programs that help keep children with their families, we’re investing our dollars in prevention. I believe that will ultimately prove to be a wise investment in Kentucky families.”


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