Saturday, April 19, 2008

Judicial Nepotisms and the Proprietary Bar Association

This is an excerpt and expose of the story that broke upon - The Polwatchers Blog April 8, 2008
Girlfriend of chief justice's son gets court job
By Brandon Ortizmailto:OrtizBORTIZ@HERALD-LEADER.COM
Please offer your comments at the above website, and thanks to Mr. Ortiz for this expose.

A woman dating a son of Chief Justice Joseph E. Lambert has been hired for a human resources job opening that was not advertised.

Joanna M. Cruz, 26, started at the new position of benefits administrator for the Court of Justice on March 1. The job pays $39,684 a year and is responsible for planning and directing benefits, such as unemployment insurance and worker's compensation, for the court system's 4,000 employees.

Cruz is dating Joseph P. Lambert, 23, whom she met while attending Princeton University. She graduated in June 2004 with a bachelor's degree in religion.

Joseph P. Lambert is the chief justice's oldest son.

"The position should have been posted and advertised," said Richard Beliles, chairman of Common Cause of Kentucky, a government watchdog group. "It does sort of get my attention."

Nemes said he leapt at the chance to hire Cruz when he learned she and Joseph P. Lambert were moving to Kentucky from Texas.

"I bet you in 10 years she'll be running this shop," Nemes said. "She is just phenomenal."

So the Quetion is: How much more obvious corruption in the unaccountable Ky Courts of "Just-us" Bar and Bench hegemony do the people of kentucky need to experience before they stand up and say "Hell no!" ?

These people have evolved themselves to near Godhood since 1976 with the Judicial Article. The Supreme Court Justices set the tone for how local courts conduct themselves, or misconduct themselves.

The current climate in Ky Courts is extensively polluted and corrupted, especially Family and CPS cases, where human trafficking, extortion, and racketeering occur.

The oversight committes are told by Cheif Justice Lambert to "stand down"- do not hold judges accountable.This is the policy under Lambert and at least 3 other justices.

The Ky Bar does not hold attorneys who intentionally injure parents and their children accountable. Their in on it. There profiting from all this human trafficking.

Constitutionally secured and protected rights? Forget it. their above the law. they can rob you, kidnapp your children, at laugh at you while they do it. It is Out Of Control.

Can the General Assembly help? only if the people rise up and make them.


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